Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Featherweight Sounds.

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here and seeing as our debut album is now fast approaching it makes sense to get on the updates. Pre-orders for the album are now available on our Bandcamp page (look right for the link). The 'official' release date is April 14th. That's for vinyl and iTunes, etc. We will be releasing the album on our Bandcamp page a couple of weeks earlier than this though. We're not too sure exactly when, although we'll make sure it's out before the Holy Smokes gig with Islet which is on the 28th. The album will be available as 'pay what you want' on the bandcamp and I think it's safe to say that anyone who releases music via bandcamp prefers people to head there rather than to iTunes, Amazon, blah blah blah. So yes, the first gig for the album is on the 28th at The Chocolate Factory in Derby. We're opening the shindig and are kinda hijacking it as an album launch of sorts. An album launch where there are no physical copies of the album available. After Choco Facto we're playing Start The Bus (Bristol) on (Good) Friday April 18th. That's it at the moment but there will be plenty more to come. I'm pretty adamant on being a little bit more on the ball with this blog so come back soon. There shall be updates!

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